Saturday, February 1, 2014

Our Lucky #11 Months...

Happy 11 Months to Carrine Faith Celestine!
She has single handedly made me a better person and has helped me to take a step back and appreciate the true meaning in life.

Her smile is contagious...and she smiles nearly 90% of the day!

She's starting to get on all fours now, rock back and forth, and even throws out the "snow plow" once in a while!

She has quite the funny personality...

And she loves being the center of attention.
(very easy to do in our household!)

It's getting harder for her to sit still for photos...

Every month and new stage with Carrine has been enjoyable...

Yes, even watching her figure out how to open drawers and empty them out is enjoyable!

Just hard to believe we only have 1 month left of the "infant" stage in our house.
Without a doubt Carrine is the best thing that could've happened to us.
She has forced me to "slow down" and appreciate the little things in life.
She has taught Andray and Roslyn responsibility and to share a lot more.
She's taught the entire family more patience.
But most importantly, we all LOVE a whole lot more in our family.
Happy February everyone, hope it's a good month for all.

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