Friday, August 30, 2013

Daycare Days...

Every year it's fun to look back at the kids' "1st Day Back to Daycare" photos and see how much they've grown and changed.
Daycare 2013

Daycare 2012

Daycare 2011

Daycare 2010

Daycare 2009

Daycare 2008

Thursday, August 29, 2013

First & Last for Our Girls... marks yet another milestone in our household.
Roslyn had her "Last - 1st Day" at Angie's house. I truly cannot believe this is Roslyn's last year of daycare and off to school next year.
And yes, as fortunate as we are to have had the last 5 months with Carrine at home, today was Carrine's "1st Day" of daycare at Angie's.
We could not ask for a better daycare provider than Angie - but man, it does not get easier dropping your baby off at daycare on your way to work - doesn't matter how many kids you have!

Tradition has it in our house that Andray and Roslyn always took their photo on our steps on their first day back to Angie's.
So...maybe that's why to me the saddest part of this photo is that Andray wasn't in it.
He's off to school (a BIG deal in our house) - but I'm so thankful that the girls have each other this year at Angie's.
Sisters...Best Friends 4 Life...Right?!
Roslyn was sweet this morning and wanted to make Angie some "welcome back" sticker signs.
Both girls had a GREAT DAY at Angie's! It's amazing - dropping Andray off at daycare for the first time in that same carseat (over 5 years ago) flooded back memories for me. Some things were easier today for me than when I dropped Andray and Roz off for the 1st time, yet a mother's heart still aches knowing someone else gets to care for their child during the day. Ah, the sacrafices parents make for their children to make sure they have the BEST care.
A good friend of mine from college said it best...
"All these changes for us as parents are scary, but we do have to find trust in those who are watching our kids. And really, trust that GOD is watching over all of us."

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We All Survived the First Day of School!

Andray was pretty excited when I picked him up from Kindergarten today!
I can't wait to hear all about his day at supper tonight.
When I drove up to school the Kindergartners were just walking in.
Was fun to see Andray with all his classmates.
Kindergartners are so cute - their backpacks are bigger than them!

Andray said he made 3 new friends today! He's going to LOVE school - excited for him.
His first day of school is COMPLETE!

And....He's Off!!!!!

Wow, what a morning! Andray is officially off to Kindergarten!

Andray's bedtime book last night.

Andray was pretty excited when he walked upstairs to a table full of breakfast - just for him!

He gave both little sisters big hugs before walking out the door.
My heart hurts knowing just how much Andray and Roslyn are going to miss each other during the days this school year.

Yesterday when Andray went to school for an hour Roslyn was already crying and saying that she missed Andray and that she loved him - pretty neat.

 Jake and I really can't believe that we have a Kindergartner in our home - honestly - where does the time go?

This morning on the way to school Andray said he was scared...but when we got to school he took hold of my hand in the parking lot and SPRINTED into the front door.
However once he got to the doorway of his classroom he just froze (like a deer in head lights) when he saw all the kids sitting at their desks in the room. I don't know if he's ever grabbed onto my leg that tight.
With tears welling in his eyes he told me again that he was scared and that he wanted to come to work with me - now that is heart-breaking!
My eyes filled with tears and I just told him how proud of him we were and that he was going to LOVE SCHOOL! Then I told him a few things to make him laugh, he slowly took off his backpack and headed into his tough to let your kids grow up...but it's essential.

What a beautiful morning.
Jake and I already know we made the right choice of school for our kids.
God is good!

Monday, August 26, 2013

What a Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Shannon Eckert!

The Boys...JAMZ
(Jeff, Adam, Matt, Zac)
Besties for Life!

 This was my version of a Snicker Martini (straight up water with a chocolate on top!)
 What a night!
 Jake and I enjoyed an incredible weekend together - Lake Michigan is absolutely beautiful.
The SCSU crew - just missing the Groom!
We had a blast.

Friday, August 23, 2013

So Excited for the Weekend!!!!!

So excited to go on a road trip with Jake to Sheboygan, Wis. and celebrate Matt and Shannon's wedding with a dozen great college friends! Going to be a blast!

Looking forward to 14 hours in the car with Jake this weekend as well!
Maybe we can actually have a conversation without being interrupted :)
(or let's be honest - maybe we can take turns taking NAPS!)
Definitely going to miss the kiddos this weekend but this is a long overdue and much-needed weekend getaway for Jake and I.

Oh the Places You'll Go...

Well - we all survived Andray's Kindergarten OPEN HOUSE last night without any tears.
Andray was one proud 5-year-old walking into school last night!

Andray's 1st school assignment - to find his name tag and his desk/chair.

It didn't take him long to find his name. He was a little hesitant to sit in the chair.
So Jake took it upon himself to sit in the little chair. That "broke the ice" and made Andray laugh and then he finally sat down. are o"fish"ally a Kindergartner!!

Think Andray is just a tad excited about his Superman notebook?

Little Man got to put all his supplies in his desk as well.

We're glad Andray's heading to St. Mary's as well.

Roslyn was just as excited as Andray last night.
Not sure if these two realize the "adjustment" that next week and this entire school year will bring for them. For the past 4 1/2 years they've spent nearly everything single day together.
Now for the first time they'll be apart during the friends for life? I'd have to say yes!

The kids capped off the night with root beer floats - perfect for a hot/humid day!
I just can't believe Andray is starting school next week. I'm excited and scared for him!
But we know he will do great.
Jake and his little ladies.

2 peas in a pod...Roslyn is so lucky to have an older brother to look up to.

I didn't cry at all at Open House, but it was pretty precious when we got home and both kids put on their back packs and Roslyn just squeezed Andray!
She is really going to miss him this school year during the days!

The big kids of course wanted to share their backpacks with Carrine as well.

Andray is a pro at getting "CC" to smile.

Andray Paul - your potential is limitless!
To quote Dr. Seuss..."Oh the Places You'll Go"
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Humidity Running High...

Can you tell the humidity is having a "positive" effect on Carrine's hair? :)
She is one happy baby in Duke Blue!
Start 'em Young...Raise 'em Right!

Andray doesn't miss many opportunities to take photos with his sisters.
Tonight is a BIG NIGHT for him as he'll head to OPEN HOUSE for Kindergarten.
Lots of emotions running through our household in this next week!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What a run... the saying goes, "all good things must come to an end."
Yesterday was my last day of nursing/pumping. I'm glad I was able to make it this long with Carrine and I'm thankful that I was able to nurse all 3 of our kids.  I'd have to say "CC" is off to a great start - all 16 + pounds of her :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Little Father/Daughter Bonding Time!! I say time and time again - LIFE IS GOING BY WAY TOO QUICKLY!
Jake got to take Roslyn shopping for her Pre-School supplies this weekend...

and let me tell you, Roslyn LOVES to shop!

She is just a TAD excited to start pre-school in a couple weeks!

Pretty sure Roz is going to LOVE school - Jake said he thoroughly enjoyed his one-on-one time with Roz.  Going to be quite a year of milestones for our kiddos!