Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Someone is Excited for Pre-School!!!!

Ah, last night Roslyn went to Open House for Pre-School...and let me tell you...

Roz made sure she had all her supplies that were on the list in the bags and was able to lift it all.
Must have been the adrenaline allowing her to carry this box - it was heavy!

Absolutely amazing the advantages the second child has and what a difference a year makes.
Last year all 4 of us were hesitant and unsure when we brought Dray to Open House.
This year - Rozzy knew exactly where to go and what door to run to.

And can you tell she was just a "tad" excited and confident?

Dancing in front of the glass doors - doesn't get any better than that!

Andray was pretty excited to head back to his old Pre-School.
He led Roslyn everywhere and even told her which bathroom to go in!

Big brothers are the best!
He made sure that Roz knew the girls' bathroom had pink tiles, too cute.

Jake and I already know that Roslyn is going to love Pre-School this year.
Looking forward to a fun and exciting school year for her!

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