Thursday, August 29, 2013

First & Last for Our Girls... marks yet another milestone in our household.
Roslyn had her "Last - 1st Day" at Angie's house. I truly cannot believe this is Roslyn's last year of daycare and off to school next year.
And yes, as fortunate as we are to have had the last 5 months with Carrine at home, today was Carrine's "1st Day" of daycare at Angie's.
We could not ask for a better daycare provider than Angie - but man, it does not get easier dropping your baby off at daycare on your way to work - doesn't matter how many kids you have!

Tradition has it in our house that Andray and Roslyn always took their photo on our steps on their first day back to Angie's.
So...maybe that's why to me the saddest part of this photo is that Andray wasn't in it.
He's off to school (a BIG deal in our house) - but I'm so thankful that the girls have each other this year at Angie's.
Sisters...Best Friends 4 Life...Right?!
Roslyn was sweet this morning and wanted to make Angie some "welcome back" sticker signs.
Both girls had a GREAT DAY at Angie's! It's amazing - dropping Andray off at daycare for the first time in that same carseat (over 5 years ago) flooded back memories for me. Some things were easier today for me than when I dropped Andray and Roz off for the 1st time, yet a mother's heart still aches knowing someone else gets to care for their child during the day. Ah, the sacrafices parents make for their children to make sure they have the BEST care.
A good friend of mine from college said it best...
"All these changes for us as parents are scary, but we do have to find trust in those who are watching our kids. And really, trust that GOD is watching over all of us."

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