Saturday, June 1, 2013

"3" Cheers For Our Girls' Weekend!!!

While Jake and Andray are enjoying a "Boys' Weekend" camping at El Rancho, I'm enjoying my first official "Girls' Weekend" with Roslyn and Carrine at home. 
Hard to believe our Baby Carrine is 3 months old already today! Time is going by way too fast, yet March 1st seems like an eternity ago. It's been a very busy 3 months, complete chaos in our house at times...but adding Carrine to the family has been a true blessing. I'm so thankful for her health and for her laid-back personality!
 Carrine continues to grow before our very eyes...I swear she was as small as this Lamb when we brought her home from the hospital! I love that she's starting to get the permanent "rubber bands" around her wrists and ankles - too cute.
 I am so proud of our Rozzy Roz - she has her first official dance recital tomorrow afternoon. She did great at rehearsal today. I'm not sure who was more nervous for today - me or Roz, but she really loved it and couldn't stop talking about all the lights on stage.
I can't wait to watch her dance on stage tomorrow!
 I give Roslyn's dance teachers a lot of credit, they've had a lot of patience with the girls this year.
They've come a long ways since September.
A very special THANK YOU to my mom who helped watch Carrine the past 7 weeks while I returned to work to run commencement and process graduations. I am truly humbled by the sacrifices she makes for our family - we are going to miss Gma Carol this summer!
I am beyond pumped to officially start the rest of my maternity leave this Monday...can't wait to JUST BE A MOM for the next 8 weeks!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)