Monday, March 7, 2011

The Return of Hurricane Rozzie!!

Well, I had an awesome weekend home with Jake and the kids. Absolutely no work to do on Saturday, what an incredible feeling. However, I've determined that there's no point to cleaning our house anymore. I spent over 2 hours Saturday morning sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms. Bring the kids up for lunch and while I'm helping Andray pick up the toys the living room, "Hurricane Rozzie" returned to the kitchen. Enjoy the photos!

So much for sweeping and scrubbing my kitchen floors.

Roslyn absolutely loves to take things in and out of the cupboards.

Ah, my baby girl is so busy!

Roslyn admiring the aftermath of her Hurricane!

No lie, pick up all the spaghetti off the floor, feed the kids lunch, give them baths and get Andray situated, only to come back into the kitchen and find that Roslyn had emptied out the Tupperware can't make this stuff up! So in essence, Hurricane Rozzie has now been in our house three times, two of which were just on Saturday, ha!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

This is hilarious because I could probably post very similar pics:) What is it with the food cupboard that the kids love so much? P.S. Roslyn has beautiful blue eyes!