Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hope You All Had A Great Halloween

Hope you all had a great Hallween weekend. Jake and I had a ton of fun dressing up the kids! (Oh, and Jake had fun putting on his "throw back" jersey from Rocori! ha!)

We took the kids to Grandma Rausch's Sunday afternoon. It was so good to see Grandma Rausch!

Jake's parents were kind enough to watch our kids Saturday so we could head to a wedding in the cities! The kids love being at the farm!

We took the kids to the Denne's across the street Sunday night. It was their "first official" trick-or-treating outing!

Roz had two costumes this year...Care Bear and Bat Woman!

Jake and I at our wedding in the cities...it was a beautiful wedding!

Mom and Dad were at the wedding with us too...they've been married over 40 years!

A group of former SCSU bball players...good times. Congrats to April and Andy on their marriage!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That picture of Jake just makes me laugh so much!!! I think I need a print so I can see it and smile every time I am having a hard day!! LOL!!