Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Roslyn's Crazy Hair

Well, I brought our Little Miss Muffet (aka Roslyn Ann) to her 9 month appointment this morning and she's 90th in height and weight (21.6 lbs. / 28 3/4 in.)...the doctor assured me that she's not obese though, so that's good! In all honesty, Roz is healthy and doing great! She was a champ getting her shots and her blood drawn. Just so thankful every day for her and Andray! Love, the Stang's
Roslyn loves her crib. I just couldn't help taking photos of her yesterday on her "9 month b-day"...her hair literally sticks straight up in the air now, it's so sweet!
Have a great weekend you all!


Unknown said...

What a sweetheart! We love her soooo much!!! Looks like it's time to lower the mattress- can't believe she can stand up!! Love you all tons!!

Nicole said...

Those are awesome pics! I'm glad to hear her shots went well...that's the worst part of taking them to the dr. You're lucky that Roz is 90th for both. Blake was 90th for weight and 20th for height...OUCH!