Friday, August 7, 2009

The Summer Of A Lifetime

From the day we had Roslyn and brought her home from the hospital, it was the most amazing summer for our family. An absolute dream to be home every day with my kids and my husband. I'm so sad that I'm back at work, but so thankful for healthy kids and my husband. Jake is such a great dad and husband, I'm just so lucky to have him in my life. Enjoy the "re-run" of our summer, how fast the time flies.

Love, the Stang's
Just minutes after Roslyn was born.
Andray loved Roslyn from the second he met her...brings tears to my eyes.

The Stang family of four...what a joy!

Dray is an amazingly great BIG BROTHER to Ros.
Little Man loves to kiss his sister too!
Roslyn Ann, just two days old.
The joys of taking naps with Little Ros.

The Stang cousins, just missing Neely, who was born 6 weeks after this photo was taken. Andray and all the girls!

The Frank cousins at our "Staycation" this summer in Redwood Falls.

Duke's most loyal "infant fans!"

Ros has no idea how lucky she is to have a big brother like Andray! Hopefully they continue to get along this well, ha!

My boy...

My baby girl...

Now that Andray is walking, he loves to be outside even more than before and is so curious with everything...from bugs to branches to tree leaves to the swing/slide.

Dray loves his t-ball set from his Godfather Jacob...thank you Jake!

Watch out Uncle Aaron and Auntie Rachel, we've got a "lefty" on our hands!

Our cousin Matia brought us to the Holiday Inn where she works so the kids could swim. Andray was in HEAVEN! Thanks Matia!

Even Ros got to wear a swim suit! So cute!

Dray loves the water!

Jake made a beautiful sandbox for the kids this summer. Andray loves to throw the sand "out" of the sandbox though, so we're working on him to "keep" the sand in the box! ha!

You're right Roslyn, "Girls Can Do Anything." This was my t-shirt 28 years ago. So glad I could pass it on to her!

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