Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Heartfelt THANK YOU!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU...to ALL of you that came and helped re-shingle our home this past week. We are forever in debt to all of you. I was not prepared for the job itself, what a big project! And we were overwhelmed with all the family and friends that so graciously gave up their "free" time to come and help. THANK YOU AGAIN! Have a great week everyone, we're just getting things ready downstairs in the updated bathroom and Andray's room and hopefully he can move down to his BIG BOY room this weekend.

Love, the Stang's

Before with the old, gray shingles...

The delivery of the shingles...

Andray and his big cousin Mya loved the big truck!

Ripping off the old, and putting on the new shingles...

Jake and I couldn't get over all the people that came to help, and worked from sun up to sun down...amazing.

Almost completed here...

The final product. The green is tough to see with the morning frost and sun shining behind, but the house looks so different. Thanks again everyone for all your help! We could not have done it without ALL OF YOU!

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