Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our "DRAY" of Sunshine...

Hello everyone....Andray Paul is 8 weeks already, and even though it's just Wednesday, he's had quite the week. I had to return to work on Monday morning, so he's been to Daycare for the first time in his life. He's doing great at daycare though, but Mom is having a tough time with it. I cried all Monday morning, and the first person that said hi to me at work I just started balling. But by the afternoon I was much better...and Tuesday I didn't cry at all! So that was great! Today though I had to bring Andray in for his 8 week appointment...and he had his shots today. It was tough to see him cry so hard when they gave him the shots, but he's been a trooper and has been eating well/sleeping well since the shots this afternoon (knock on wood).

Andray is also growing...he's 12 lbs., 3 oz. already and not quite 23 inches long. He's 75 percentile in weight and 50 percentile in not bad at all!

We love every minute with this little guy and now that I'm back to work too, both Jake and I can't wait to get home at night to pick him up from daycare and hang out with him!

Love to you all,

Jake, Celest and Andray Paul

Andray Paul at 6 weeks old. We are so thankful that Heather, Adam, Matt, Laura and Bethany bought us a gift package to Country Gallery Photography south of Kimball. We bought a few extra poses too...enjoy!

We just can't get enough of our precious little boy....

Andray the morning of his first day at daycare...he was so good for me while I was getting ready! But you can tell in his eyes he knew "something was up!" He was right, there was going to be a "change" this day, but he did great at daycare! We're thinking he had a good first day at daycare because we dressed him up in his Duke apparel!

Just minutes before heading to daycare on was definitely fighting back the tears, but the tears fell when I left him in his daycare house and had to get in my car without him! It's so hard...but we love our daycare provider, and she's just three houses down from us in our neighborhood, so very convenient.

Andray today after we got home from getting his shots...he's such a pain no gain, right Andray?! ha!

Six of Andray's 12 pounds might be in his thighs...ha! In all honesty, we are so thankful Andray is growing well and eating well...we truly are blessed!

Andray loves being a Husky...much better than a Gopher! ha!

Andray just loves bath time and we love how curly his hair gets!

Love the curls!

Andray wore this John Deere outfit to his cousin Mya's 1st birthday party last Saturday. His Papa Steve loves "Red" tractors, NOT "Green" tractors, so it was more of a joke than anything for Andray to wear this outfit! Thanks to Ann and Andrew...they let us borrow this outfit!

Papa Steve was still proud to hold Andray...even in his "Green" outfit...people just can't get enough of Andray...he's so much fun!

Andray's eyes are still a bright blue...we love it!

Auntie Sarah with her Godchildren...Mya and Andray

Mya is Jake's Goddaughter and he got her a game to play outside this summer and also her first baseball mit! He also added money to her college account for DUKE! Skyler is smiling off to Jake's right, she is such a good big sister and her dearly!

Mya had a great time eating at her birthday party...she loved her cake!

Mya's pigtails were taken out before she took a bath after eating...her hair was sticking straight up, it was hilarious!

We stayed overnight at Papa and Grandma Stang's last Saturday...Andray's first night there and he woke up smiling bright and early Sunday was precious!

Greg and Kris Koetter came to visit Andray last Saturday and brought him his diaper genie! We are so grateful, hopefully his room won't continue to stink! ha! It was great to see you Kris and Greg again...

This photo is for Jake's Uncle Jamie...the Nebraska Huskers fan...Jake just wanted to make sure we had a photo of Andray crying by his Huskers blanket! Good stuff!

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