Monday, November 26, 2007

"BS" Is Six Months Along!

Hello everyone - I am officially over the 24 week mark, as of Tuesday, Nov. 20, which means I am 6 months old already. From the weekly updates that my mommy and daddy receive, I am about a foot long (so my mom calls me a ruler now! hahaha), and my brain is growing rapidly (my dad tells me I'm going to be smart like him). Also, my taste buds are working now and my lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.

One really cool thing is, I can hear now! And I do startle at loud noises because my mom got to go to another NHL game on Saturday in Columbus, Ohio, with the SCSU women's hockey team and the game went into overtime. Man, are those people in the crowd loud when they cheer and the horns on the scoreboards were so loud, I was jumping all over in mommy's tummy!

Well, that's the update on me...I'm sure you can all see that I'm growing and that my mommy finally does look pregnant. Still can't wait to meet all of you in March...Have a great week!



"I'm definitely showing now...says Celest at 6 months"

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