Saturday, March 25, 2017

Crayola Experience was the PERFECT 2017 Spring Break Trip!!!!!

We decided to take a 2017 spring break trip to the Crayola Experience at the Mall of America, and man was it worth it! What an incredible day spent together as a family. Very thankful.

Started off the trip eating our cooler full of packed lunches on the balcony overlooking LEGO Land and Nickelodeon Universe...aka Camp Snoopy. Our kids were great sports...not eating out, not walking through Lego Land but overseeing it, and looking at all the rides without actually riding on them. Life truly is what you make of it...It's the "LITTLE" things in life that matter!

Maybe someday we'll make it back as a family to enjoy the amusement park!

And then we were off to the Crayola Experience!
Roz with her favorite colors, Blue and Purple.

Andray with his favorite colors, green and Duke blue.

And Rinny with her favorite color Purple.

Never a dull moment with Roz!

And we're in! Amazing teacher/educator discounts and family discounts!

So true...the history in this place was amazing.

First exhibit allowed kids to create their own "wrap" for their favorite colored crayon.

Andray of course picked GREEN.

CC wanted purple and Dad was there to help...

Pretty sure Jake had a "say" in this crayon wrap :)

Then we were off to create our own personalized coloring sheets.

Smile big Rin!

So cool.

Then the girls were off to color their "own" coloring sheets.

Next stop...the Molding Magic exhibit with Crayola play-doh.
Spent a significant amount of time here, was nice to sit down and rest!

Roslyn's fav color from the wall of 64 colors!

There was even a kid-size Lite-Brite loved it!

Found Andray wandering around in the Candy store...pretty sure he was drooling :)

Where it all began...was so amazing to read about how Crayola started and the evolution of the colors, crayons and markers, etc. 

This was by far Roslyn's favorite exhibit...Rainbow Rain.
This was so fun to dance under!

Then we were off to Doodle in the Dark!
Andray's quote, "I don't want to leave!"
(neither did I, such a cool place)

Despite being under the weather, CC mustered up enough energy to doodle as well.

Love Roslyn's doodling!
"I love my Stang and Frank family! I don't want to leave :) Me loving this time at the Mall of America." Sweet as always.

One last photo opp before heading to Rochester. Honestly, a great place for families!
Amazing field trip opportunity!

Our "Wrap it Up" my family more than anything!

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