Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Four Galore...Our Baby is Four!

A blink of an eye (literally) and our baby girl is 4! How can this be?
Carrine Faith Celestine Stang...you have changed my life for the better and I'm thankful every day for our 3 beautiful and healthy children! You are the PERFECT book-end to our family!

Our first photo as a Family of 5, already four years ago.
Little did we know back then that Carrine would be the BEST thing to happen to our family!

Started out as our 5 pound lil' peanut...

and has GROWN UP to be our confident, sassy, bossy and witty 4-year-old!

Little Sister like...

Big Sister...can you tell who's who?!

Saying that CC loves to wear dresses might be the understatement of the century.
This lil' lady goes NO WHERE without a dress or skirt on!

And Jake's little "Tator Tot" goes NO WHERE without her special blanket from Great Gma Rausch!
Love these blankets!

Thankful Carrine could wear the same outfit that Roslyn wore for her 4-year-old photo shoot...

Not sure which daughter had the more Sass and Smiles at this age?! :)

Carrine loves to give kisses and hugs every day...hope she never stops giving those out!
She truly loves her F-A-M-I-L-Y!

And she LOVES her stuffed animals!
No lie, she sleeps with ALL of these on her little toddler bed at night.
Couldn't resist capturing these stuffed animals in her photo shoot.

Carrine can't wait for the "Tooth Fairy" to come visit her (hopefully not for a few years yet), but especially since the "Nukie Fairy" came already one year ago and took all the Nukies away :)

Musically inclined = YES!
This gal loves to dance, sing, dress up, act and play, especially during family DANCE PARTIES after supper!

Curly Carrine...that's what some of Roslyn's classmates think "CC" stands for as her nick name.
Her curly hair is definitely a "topic of conversation" EVERYWHERE we go!
Hope it stays this pretty!
(and crazy)

Words can't express how much I love this lil' lady.
She's taught me MORE PATIENCE than I ever thought I could possibly have.
I think I'm most thankful for the extra time I've gotten to spend with her and the big kids these past 4 years.
Just can't buy this time back.

Definitely see a resemblance with the girls...

You have made my heart WHOLE Carrine...love you to the moon and back!

Happy birthday baby girl...don't ever lose your smile, gleam in your eye, curly hair, confidence, strong will, wit, laughter, imagination, happiness, and pure love for everything around you.

Can't wait for Disney on Ice with you and the family this weekend!
First school bus trip...here we come!

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