Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Powerful Day at the Farm...

Jake's Aunt Lori's dreams came true last Saturday as she was able to host her son Chris, who she placed for adoption 30 years ago, and Chris's parents and girlfriend at the Stang farm.

Was a powerful day at the farm meeting Jake's biological cousin Chris for the first time!
Chris made it up to the hay loft of Gpa Andy's barn - just in time before it's taken down this summer.

Chris is a natural farmer - he whipped around in the farm yard on Gpa Andy's favorite red tractor like he was an "old pro!"
Lots of smiles at the farm on Saturday.

The Stang Crew...
What a "GIFT" Lori gave Chris 30 years ago - I'm so happy for Lori that she's been able to start a relationship with Chris and his family all these years later.
God works in mysterious ways...Lori is truly one of the strongest individuals that I know on this earth. Hearing and seeing what she's gone through makes me have more respect than ever for mother's who place their babies in hopes to give their children a better life.
I pray every day for my nieces Isabel's, Amelia's and nephew Louis' birth mothers. They are true heroes to me. And I pray every day for my brother Aaron and his wife Megan who had the love, faith and courage to have 3 beautiful children through adoption.
Adoption is such a heart-wrenching and painful process...but in the end God has an incredible way of turning lemons into lemonade!
GOD IS GOOD...Saturday was a strong reminder to TRUST in the LORD!
HE has a PLAN...and it truly is HIS PLAN!

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