Monday, December 29, 2014

What a Christmas!!!!!

Christmas Eve Day we woke up as a family - the kids were beyond excited to open gifts and rip off the last circle on the Christmas Countdown chain!

Our kids were truly at the BEST ages for Christmas this year!

Meet Carrine's new baby doll...Miss Louisa!

Meet the newest Elsa and Anna girls in town!
Thanks to my talented co-worker who made these hats for the girls.
They were a hit!

Andray loved his Duke hat - as well as his Batman city.

The big kids were a great help cleaning everything up...

But of course we had to make time for a CELEBRATION!

I can hear their giggles and laughter still!

Roz helped get everything for Santa on Christmas Eve night.

Homemade cookies, chocolate milk and grapes for the Reindeer (we ran out of carrots).
And of course some good reading material for Santa..."Santa comes to Minnesota!"

I will forever love Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day morning we were lucky enough to wake up to gifts from Santa and proof that he had come to our house!

Looks like Santa left a trail of cookies and grapes near our sliding door!

Santa was good to us!

Andray was the first one up in our house "early" Christmas Day morning.
Nothing better than waking up Christmas Day in your own home with the kiddos.
Very thankful for yet another memorable Christmas!
More celebrations to come in the next few weeks!

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