Saturday, September 20, 2014

Look Who Lost His 1st Tooth!

For over 3 weeks now Andray has had a loose tooth and the entire family has been full of anticipation waiting for Andray to lose his 1st tooth. Well, yesterday was "The Day" and "Picture Day" at why not lose your tooth on picture day?!
He didn't lose his tooth until after pictures while walking into school from the second recess...but boy was he pumped when I got home from work to show me his missing tooth!
Andray said the tooth popped right out and didn't even hurt.
Glad he had this case with him at school to put his tooth in as well :)
(The case is already placed back in his back-pack awaiting the next tooth to be lost!)
We all said an extra prayer last night in hopes the "Tooth Fairy" would make an appearance at our house!
The Tooth Fairy left fairy dust and all - and even a $2 bill - which none of us had ever seen before!
Another special thing about yesterday - my best friend from high school (Ann) texted me yesterday afternoon to let me know that her second son, Zach, had lost his first tooth! I couldn't believe that our boys lost their first tooth on the same day, and it was the exact same tooth!
Congrats Zach!
Mean't to be...mark it in the books!

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