Sunday, June 22, 2014

Gussie Days Never Disappoints!

We celebrated Gussie Days this weekend and had a blast!
Good weather, good company and a good cause to support our parish.
Very proud of Andray and Roslyn for running in the 1K.
Neither of them stopped to walk and they sprinted through the finish line!
Thanks to Rach and John for borrowing us their pool!
Was a perfect day to be outside and in the water!
Carson photo-bombing Katelyn and CC.
These water launchers are the best!
Playing bean bags while sitting down...doesn't get any better than this!
Our cheerleaders!
Fun with the sidewalk chalk.
Kids made an obstacle course in the driveway...lots of fun had by all.
Saturday night headed down to the church grounds to listen to Diamondback!
Again...great company.
So thankful for Brenda and her family!
A perfect night!
Then on Sunday we celebrated the festival.
Andray won BINGO for the first time in his life!
So glad I was with him to share in the experience!
He won $10!
Big kids loved the inflatables.

Then off to get glitter tattoos.
Of course Roz picked a star!

This Tommy Trough was hilarious!
Andray went in and out all by himself.
On his way out, he yelled..."That thing is AWESOME!"
People from the Bingo tent could hear him and just laughed.

Yes Dray, it's the little things in life that matter ;)
Roz and Dray got to compete in the tractor pull as well!
Roz was so happy when they brought out the red tractor for ages 5+.
Her exact words..."Papa Steve will be so proud!"
Best part of the tractor pull for Roslyn...she earned a can of pop!
Wrapped up the day working a couple hours with Roslyn at the tattoo station.
She was a great helper!
Nothing like celebrating Gussie Days with Carrine's 1st sucker!
Man oh man were we all exhausted by the time we got home tonight.
Perfect weekend...lots of laughs and fun!

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