Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fire Awareness Field Trip...

Nearly two weeks already Angie invited the girls and I down to daycare for a Field Trip.
The fire department came down to explain fire safety to the little kids.
The memories came flooding back to 5 years ago when Andray was a baby (exact same age as Carrine) and the fire department came to visit Angie's back in the fall of 2008.
Time is just going by way too fast.

Roslyn was beyond excited to be reunited with her friends.

Roz wasn't afraid to give the fire fighter a high five.

She even got to slip into the fire fighter's boots and hold the helmet.
Roz said, "Holy buckets Mom, this is heeeeeeeeeeavy!"
Even Baby Carrine got a chance to slip into the fire fighter's boots!
Too darn cute.
Rozzy thought she was pretty "hot stuff" sitting in the fire truck too!

What a BIG GIRL already!
Hard to believe she's the oldest of all her daycare friends.

Just over a year ago Angie suffered a devastating fire in her home. Was a scary time for all involved. Thank the Lord she and her girls are okay. Tears were shed when the firemen came to Angie's two weeks ago. She thanked all 4 of the men who came for the demonstration, as they were some of the fire fighters to put out her fire a year ago. God is good...he definitely turned lemons into lemonade as Angie's house is now better than ever. Very thankful.

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