Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What a Summer...

 Words can't even  begin to explain how incredible the last 8 weeks have been for me and our family.
What an incredible opportunity to be home with Jake and the kids.
With a very heavy heart I will return to work tomorrow for the time being.
 Just love this little girl, she is so much fun! Can you tell Carrine was excited to open her first savings account this summer?
Just going to miss her so much during the day!

 Ah, and my BIG KIDS!
Truly 2 peas in a pod...What a joy watching them grow and interact this good times and in bad times!
Roslyn is so excited to start pre-school this fall!
Can't believe Andray will start kindergarten this fall...he is definitely more ready than I am!
Just so thankful for my time at home this summer. I've never been more exhausted or unorganized, but it was worth every second.

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