Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Whole New Respect...

After being home with the kids for the past 6 weeks, I have an entirely new respect for all stay-at-home partents (moms or dads). I appreciate my mom and Jake's mom who stayed home with us when we were all little. They sacrificed their own careers or put their careers on hold for us and I am grateful.
I wish our professional society had a stronger respect for stay-at-home parents. They truly never get a break and should be paid the highest salaries. They have the most important job...raising children!
A huge SHOUT OUT to my sister-in-law Megan, who not only is a stay-at-home mother, but also home schools...quite a commitment!
I'm not going to lie, there have been trying days in our household since I've been on leave from work and every day I pray for more patience. But honestly I've never thought to myself that I need a break from my kids.
There is definitely no "me" time anymore or "we" time with Jake, but that comes with the territory of having young children.
I've only spent one night away from Carrine since she's been born and that was to celebrate our wedding anniversary together the end of June.
When I'm working full-time outside of the house I'm much more organized, our house is cleaner, more laundry gets done and I get more accomplished during the day. Since I've been home, I feel like all that's gone on the way side, and for a great reason - I'm spending time with my kids and I'm grateful.
 It's unbelievable how fast children grow up. Seems like yesterday Andray was 5 months old and sitting in the Bumbo Chair. Now 5 years later, he still fits, ha!
 I had a flash back before church this morning of Roslyn sitting in the Bumbo Chair as a baby in our living room and Andray scooting up to her on his butt to kiss her. Now over 4 years later, Roz still fits in the chair too!
Baby Carrine wasn't digging her first time in the Bumbo Chair this morning...but don't worry, her older brother and sister were there to cheer her up!
What an incredible opportunity to be home with my kids this summer. I don't know if I've ever been more exhausted or more disorganized - but even without having to juggle full-time work we are crazy busy every day! Most of the time I think life is too busy, but at least I'm busy with Jake and the kids for these 8 weeks.
Going to really try to cherish my last 2 weeks at home with the kids.

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