Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another "March Madness" Stang Baby Is On The Way!!!

 Andray and Roslyn have some BIG NEWS to share with all of you...they are going to welcome a Baby Brother or Sister to the family in March of 2013! Yes, we are excited to welcome the baby into our home during the best time of year...MARCH MADNESS!

 Jake and I were beyond relieved to find out that everything looks to be okay with Baby Stang #3. We had our level two 20-week ultrasound on Halloween. Was incredible to see the baby on the screen. There are some health risks with this pregnancy. Since I suffered the blood clot back in May 2011, I'm back on blood thinners during this pregnancy to help prevent clotting to either myself or the baby. Jake and I are thankful for great doctors and good medicine. God truly has a plan with this Stang Baby!
Life is full of surprises...in July Jake and I were completely shocked to find out we were pregnant. Praise the Lord we have 9 months to get prepared for the new baby. We are getting more and more excited every day. It sure helps that Andray & Roslyn are even more excited! 
(at 20-weeks, the baby is moving quite a bit more and I've officially "popped!")
We told the kids they were going to be Big Siblings back in September. They were both so excited, brings tears to my eyes.
Roslyn wants a baby sister and wants to name her "Skinny Jeans (1st name) - Dora (middle name)!"

 Andray wants a baby brother and initially wanted to name him "Bruce the Moose!"  Now he's changed his mind and wants to name the baby "Hardees!"  Too funny, you really can't make this stuff up!
 The night we told the kids there was a baby in my tummy, Roz went directly to her Baby Stella and started taking Stella's clothes off for "bathtime." Then she went on to change Stella's diaper. It's truly amazing how "innate" motherhood is, even at the young age of 3 years.
Talk about a mix of emotions for our family right now...thankful, nervous, excited, scared, hopeful, worried and grateful. We'd appreciate your prayers throughout the remainder of the pregnancy...God has a plan!


Unknown said...

AHHHH! SO excited for you Stangs! My mom told me a few weeks ago and we have been keeping it under wraps since! YAY YAY YAY YAY! Praying that everything goes well and everyone stays healthy and strong. MUCH LOVE from the Schwartzes XOXOXO

Nicole said...

Awesome news!!! So happy for all of you and wish you the very best through the rest of your pregnancy!

God is great so I know he'll watch over all of you!

Sending prayers and love!