Monday, May 21, 2012

Roslyn's Birthday Week is Here!!!

Hard to believe our Baby Girl will turn 3 this week! We had fun celebrating Roslyn's birthday on Sunday with Gpa and Gma Stang and the Iten's!

 Roslyn has been asking for a Dora Mermaid cake for over a month now...she was pumped Sunday morning when she saw this cake waiting for her!
 Roslyn loves her Godmom Rhonda soooooooooooo much! And of course her new Dora Mermaid doll!
 Thank you to Gma and Gpa Stang who spoil their grandchildren way too much! Roslyn loves her new softball glove, Dora ballerina dress and Princess fishing pole!
 Yipee...Roslyn is almost 3!
Roslyn has worn this "Birthday Girl" t-shirt for all 3 of her birthdays...good stuff!

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