Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Papa Steve!

Happy Birthday to Jake's dad...Papa Steve! Hope he has a great day!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Happy Belated Memorial Day

 I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Weekend with your friends and family members. Here's remembering all of our family and friends who have gone before us, especially my Gpa Shorty! Miss him every day.
We had an amazing time with Jake's extended Stang family this weekend. Congrats to his grandparents who celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary, we a very special moment watching his grandparents polka in the St. Nick basement!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Roslyn's 3-Year Photo Shoot

 I truly can't believe that our baby girl is 3 years old already...
what a blessing she's been to our family!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yippee...Roslyn Ann is 3!!!

 Hard to believe our Baby Girl is 3 years old today! I thank God everyday for our beautiful daughter.
We love you Roslyn Ann!!!
 Roslyn has worn this "Birthday Girl" t-shirt for all 3 of her birthdays...pretty awesome.
"Fun to be One!"
 "Guess Who's Two?"
Yippee...Rozzie Ann is 3!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Roslyn's Birthday Week is Here!!!

Hard to believe our Baby Girl will turn 3 this week! We had fun celebrating Roslyn's birthday on Sunday with Gpa and Gma Stang and the Iten's!

 Roslyn has been asking for a Dora Mermaid cake for over a month now...she was pumped Sunday morning when she saw this cake waiting for her!
 Roslyn loves her Godmom Rhonda soooooooooooo much! And of course her new Dora Mermaid doll!
 Thank you to Gma and Gpa Stang who spoil their grandchildren way too much! Roslyn loves her new softball glove, Dora ballerina dress and Princess fishing pole!
 Yipee...Roslyn is almost 3!
Roslyn has worn this "Birthday Girl" t-shirt for all 3 of her birthdays...good stuff!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

To all those beautiful mothers in this world that I know...I hope you had a wonderful Happy Mother's Day. Children truly are the best gift from God!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Brithday to Amelia & Mason!!!

 Happy 2nd Birthday to our beautiful Goddaughter Amelia Mae! A very special 1st Birthday to Mr. Mason Dale, down in Florida! Miss you Buddy!
Two precious them!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!!!

 Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful women in my life! I'm so grateful for my Gram, my Mom and Jake's Mom! They are who I inspire to be! Love you all!
Our 4th year with a photo of the kids in front of our Special Tree when the tree blooms during the spring time...the tree doesn't seem to be growing, but the kids sure are :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Can't Wait To Spend the Night with Jake, the Kids and Brother Jacob!

I can't wait to spend the night with Jake and the kids and my brother Jacob at the Holiday Inn tonight for some fun swimming! A perfect way to start my 31st year of life!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Rhonda & Rachel!!

Hope you have a great 33rd Birthday Rachel and Rhonda! Love you both!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy 39th Bday To My Big Bro Aaron!

Happy 39th Birthday to my BIG BRO Aaron! Hope you have a great day...we love you!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Engagement Day to my Hubby!

8 years ago today Jake proposed...was the BEST decision of my life to say YES!
Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ella's Big Day was a Special One!

Jake's Goddaughter Ella Johanna celebrated her First Holy Communion last Sunday, was quite a special day for the entire family!

Eric and Sarah have created quite a beautiful family!

Skyler and grown up!

We love you Ella Jo!

Even Ella got to have some "children's wine" on her First Communion day! :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Miss Mya Mellissa!!!!!

Happy 5th Birthday to our beautiful niece Mya Mellissa! She is going to rule Kindergarten next fall! We love you M & M.