Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another Great Thanksgiving Weekend in the Record Books

We had an incredible 48 hours down in good old Redwood Falls last weekend to not only celebrate Thanksgiving with the Lingl's, but to also celebrate my beautiful niece Isabel's 5th birthday! She's pretty proud to be 5 years old!

Happy belated birthday Isa Lu!

Isa and Lilli had fun playing with the Barbies on Thursday! They are both so grown up!

Ah, our kids are so thankful for each other :)

I'm so thankful that our kids know their Great Grandparents!

Roz and them both dearly!

Roz found Gram's bucket of homemade "chocky" chip cookies and LOVED THEM! Pretty sure she at 5 in one sitting, ha!

Isabel and friends for life! Sisters are the best!

Our kids had fun helping Gma Carol decorate her Christmas tree.

Amelia called all the ornaments...BALL! Super cute!

Mom and Dad's beautiful tree...a little bottom heavy with the ornaments, too cute!

Being that Isabel is the oldest grandchild, she got to put the finishing touches on the Christmas Tree. Quite an honor to put the Angel on and dad got that angel as a wedding gift over 42 years ago, pretty awesome!

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