Friday, September 16, 2011

One Incredible Summer Coming to an End...

Wow, we had quite an incredible summer as a family of four. Quite the roller coaster with health concerns and employment concerns, but we've learned that God truly has a plan and everything happens for a reason. God is good!

Just a week after I turned 30 in May I was hospitalized for a blood clot in my left lung. It's been a long road to recovery, but after four months I'm off blood thinners and slowly gaining my energy back. Jake has been an incredible help this summer, especially with the kids! We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary the end of June, love you Jake!

Roslyn turned two years old the end of May...what a big girl and true blessing to our family!

Roz got some amazing presents for her birthday! Thanks everyone for the gifts!

I was discharged from the hospital the day before Roslyn's bday party, I'm so grateful I could be home with her for her 2nd bday!

Andray thoroughly enjoys his time out at the Stang Farm...especially with Papa Steve on the Skid Steer!

In June our #1 nephew Easton James turned one year old. Roslyn and Neely wore matching outfits for the occasion...thanks Rhonda and Brian!

The kids enjoyed a lot of morning cartoons while attending "Daddy Daycare!"

July 4th weekend we headed to Spicer to camp with my cousin Cassie and her family. It was a blast!

Enjoying a camp fire on July 4th weekend with Cassie and Jason's girls, Gracie and Lilli.

In July I was able to fly to Florida and visit my best friends Heather and Adam who gave birth to their first child in May. Mason Dale was born May 14th and he's a honey!

Was so good to meet lil' Mason and see my best friends again!

Mid-July our family went through drastic changes. Roslyn's nuk was taken away (while I was in Florida - thank you Jake!). We also said good-bye to the high chair (Roz now sits in a big chair at the dinner table), and we started potty training Roslyn.

All done with the high chair stage...unreal how fast time goes!

What a big girl...she's doing great on the potty! Still working on the #2 concept, but it's coming along!

The kids pretend our bedroom closet is their house...they have lots of "house parties" in there ;)

One afternoon I was looking for Roslyn to lay her down for a nap. Ended up finding her in our closet. She was hiding and pretending to sleep in our clothes basket, can't make it up!

Thank the Lord for sticker books and sticker charts...sure made potty training a lot easier!

Roslyn giving her Baby Sally a bath in the dishwasher...gotta love imaginations!

Speaking of imaginations...Andray loves the Cars movie and set up his own "tractor tipping" scene in our living room! Love you Buddy!

The Frank Cousins...4,3,2,1 (Isabel, Andray, Roslyn, Amelia)

The kids' new hiding you can tell, Roz is not a fan. She must be claustrophobic like me!

Andray...where are you?

This summer was special in the fact that Roslyn was able to borrow and wear our niece Skyler's flowergirl dress from our wedding, already 6 years ago. My mom did such an amazing job making that dress! Thanks Mom!

Our little Cinderella!

Absolutely precious...Papa Larry and Rozzy Ann.

Found out the kids LOVE corn on the cob! They didn't leave anything on the cob!

Jake turned 30 in August...welcome to the "club" Hubby!

The kids love grocery shopping with us, especially when we're buying food for camping!

Had a great camping trip in August to Bunker Hills in Anoka County...thanks Sarah and Eric and Rhonda and Brian for a great weekend!

In August my mom and dad gave Andray and Roslyn priceless heirlooms, Dad made each of the Frank grandkids a "treasure chest" made out of wood from my grandparent's Lingl farm in Olivia and from my Grandpa Frank's farm near Bird Island. So grateful!

In early September I was offered and accepted a new position at St. Cloud State. I'll be leaving Athletic Media Relations, which I've done for the past 8 years, and changing career paths towards Records and Registration at SCSU. Quite a bitter/sweet feeling.

Was able to bring the kids to my office one more time in Halenbeck Hall.

There officially are no babies left in our house...Roz is growing up way too fast! She loves her Dora and Princess underwear!

We had the opportunity to take multiple bike rides as a family this summer...very fun!

Andray visited the dentist for the 2nd time in his life and did great! For having no cavities, the dentist office gave him a certificate for a free personal size pizza at Papa Murphy' was delicious!

In late July the road in our neighborhood was re-surfaced...the kids loved watching the big trucks outside!

Andray was too busy to go to the bathroom while watching the trucks, so I brought the toilet to him! ha!

Fun summer nights...

Roslyn loves her Baby Sally!

Future Ballerina?

The Stang cousins were able to enjoy the annual Richmond Parade together in July! So much fun! Seven grandkids, ages 8,7,4,3,2,2,1.

Apparently Roz may have to visit the dentist before the age of 3...gotta love blue and red tootsie rolls in her teeth! ;)

Jake truly runs the best "Daddy Daycare" in the world! Thanks hon!

After Labor Day weekend the kids officially headed back to Angie's Daycare. Was a sad day for all of us, I love having the kids at home with Jake in the summer. But the kids have so much fun with their friends at daycare!

Another incredible summer...they just keep getting better. Life is good!

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