Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aaron & Megan Have Met Their Baby Girl Amelia!

My beautiful niece Amelia Mae...soon to arrive in USA!

Megan holding Amelia for the first special!


We have had an incredible time in Korea so far, with the obvious highlight of meeting our sweet baby girl. We arrived on Monday morning after 28 hours in transit, and after a nap and a good meal, we set out to find our agency and prepare for meeting Amelia the next morning. Seoul is a huge, but beautiful city, and despite the language barrier we have been able to find our way around and explore. Yesterday we got to travel to the foster mothers home and meet little Amelia! She is very mobile, outgoing, talkative, chunky :), curious, and funny! It was so wonderful to see where she has lived and spend some time with her foster family! They have loved her and cared for her so dearly, and we are forever grateful for their hard work and sacrifice. "Gotcha day" is tomorrow at 11 am!!! It's so hard to believe we will have our baby girl for good in just one more day! God is so good. It was actually pretty hard to get a good picture yesterday, but we do have a few to share and surely many more to come tomorrow!!

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