Monday, January 24, 2011

Fun Times In January

Despite the treacherous weather conditions Minnesota has faced the last couple weeks, the kids are in GOOD SPIRITS! Wish we could take them outside to play more, but it's too dang cold. So instead, we have fun at the dinner table. Saturday morning Roz had fun putting syrup in her hair...maybe a future hair stylist?

The kids were making each other laugh after lunch yesterday! It was hilarious watching them giggle back and forth!

Jake and I both thought the kids looked like "Goth" kids with black lipstick. Their chocolate pudding was everywhere, too fun!

Roslyn was trying to be like "Sister Perpetua" in the tub the other day. Gotta love it!

The side profile of Nun Rozzie!

What one child does, the other one has to do. It's pretty comical at times.

Pope Andray??????????

Apparently Roz still wanted to play dress up like a nun after bath time, so she found her dirty onezie and put that on her head. Too funny!

She walks with "authority."

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