Monday, May 10, 2010

We Had An Amazing Mother's Day Weekend Together!!!!

I had an amazing weekend home with Jake and the kids. It was an awesome Mother's Day Weekend! I'm so thankful for Jake and the kids and I LOVE BEING A MOM! Have a great week everyone, Love the Stang's

Me and my kiddos after church on Saturday night.


We are officially "Camper Owners!" I don't know who's more excited, Jake or Andray. We are so pumped though to spend some QT together as family this summer!

Jake drove our new camper home on Thursday night. Andray didn't realize it was a camper, so he just kept saying, "Mommy car...TRAILER!" Too cute

On Sunday morning we went for a walk and then brought the kids out to see the inside of the camper for the first official time. Both kids loved playing in the camper, pretty exciting!

We even have a toilet in our camper (which is necessary when you have kids who will start potty training soon). Andray thought he was pretty "tough stuff" when he sat on the big potty!

Andray and I are so excited to start camping!

On Sunday we got to celebrate Mother's Day with Jake and the extended Stang side. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Roslyn enjoyed her time with Great Gpa/Gma Stang!

Roz also enjoyed her time with great aunt Karen and great aunt Marlene. It was a great day with the Stang's!

On Friday I couldn't help but put the kids in matching outfits. It was pretty cute!

Andray loves kissing his baby sister!

Friday was a monumental day for Roslyn...she had spaghetti for the first time and LOVED IT! I have a feeling we won't be feeding her baby food too much longer!

Our "special tree" is blooming so beautifully this year! Love looking at the tree everyday and thinking of all our special family members and friends who are up in heaven!


Scott Nelsen said...

2 things... 1) Andray's one snappy dresser 2) i need to buy him a green tractor :) great pictures c!

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