Monday, December 21, 2009

Frank Family Christmas A Success!!!!

We had a wonderful time down in Redwood Falls this past weekend for our Frank Christmas. Despite the fact that Roslyn got sick Friday night and is still sick, she was a trooper, hardly ever cried (except during the night of course). Andray was in complete heaven playing with his big cousin Isabel Lucia...and of course, we all enjoyed laying around in our sweats by the fire place downstairs and actually taking naps! Thanks Mom and Dad for an awesome weekend! It was perfect! Love the Stang's

Saturday night we headed to church and then took family photos after. It's amazing to think just one year ago we were just finding out we were pregnant with Roslyn and Andray was just learning to sit up! What a difference just ONE YEAR makes!

Uncle Jacob sure does love his Godson Andray and nieces Isabel and Roslyn! He used up a lot of energy this past weekend playing with all of the kids!

It's so amazing to have Aaron, Megan and Isabel closer now! Because they only live 3 hours away, they were able to stay all day Sunday and hang out, pretty awesome!

Andray and Isa Lu had a complete blast dancing around the living room together and listening to Christmas music...absolutely precious!

The three grandkids got new stockings this year. And even the dog Heidi and the cat Jaz got stockings...too funny!


Megan and I took Andray and Isabel sledding on Sunday afternoon. Both kids had a ball! And so did we! I haven't been sledding at mom and dad's in years....brought back lots of memories!

Isa Lu...

Andray's face in this photo is absolutely PRICELESS!

Even Roz got to hang out with Gma Carol outside for a little bit to breath in some fresh air.

Andray loved putting his arms up in the air while going down the hill...our little dare devil!
Isa loves her new purple sled!
Too much fun!
The worst part about sledding, walking back up the hill, ha!


Although Roslyn was pretty sick on Sunday, she woke up in time from her nap to open her ornament from Papa and Gma Carol...pretty special.

I love my baby girl soooooooooooooooo much! It's so tough when they are sick!

Andray got a train set from Papa and Gma Frank, and I'm pretty sure Jake is way more excited than Dray, ha! Jake already knows exactly where he wants to set the train station up at in the basement! Gotta love it!

Dray woke up very excited Sunday morning, he must have know we were going to open gifts!

Isa Lu was a great help opening gifts!

Uncle Jacob got Andray a Lincoln Logs toy set...too cool! Isa loved playing with them too!

A busy little boy.

Santa came and was very generous filling the stockings! Megan and I figured mom and dad won't be able to wrap the gifts with their "return address labels" much longer. Eventually, Isa is going to learn how to read and will realize the gifts aren't from Santa, ha!

Roz was the same size as her sweet. You can just tell from the pictures that she was not feeling good. Chapped cheeks and she could barely open her eyes. So sad!

Roslyn got a book about a Baby's 1st Christmas, pretty cute. If she would've been feeling better, she would've been much more excited!


We're pretty sure Andray gets his dancing moves from the Stang side!

Andray loves his Godfather!!!

Friday night my Godmother Margie stopped by. It was the first time she had met Baby Roslyn and we got some adorable photos for scrapbooking!

Roz checking out the lights...

Roslyn loves her Papa Larry!

Andray kept telling everyone that Baby Jesus was "napping" outside...too cute!

Aaron was teaching Roz how to play the piano....she loves her Godfather!

Dad, Andray and I took a walk down the driveway Saturday morning and Dray loved being pulled in his new sled! (well, I found the sled at a garage sale this past summer and it was the best $2 I've ever spent!)

I swear, even in the winter my Mom and Dad's yard is beautiful!

The kids loved having Papa Larry read bed time stories.

Dad even got to feed Roslyn quite a few bottles...

Roz was pretty miserable by Sunday, so Auntie Megan was a great help, feeding/changing/rocking baby Roz. Thanks Megan!

And through it all....Roslyn still had plenty of smiles to go around for Christmas! What a great year it's been for our entire family!

Baby Roslyn is beyond excited for her first Christmas! So much fun!

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