Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another Monumental Week

Hi everyone - hope this finds you all doing well and enjoying the summer. We had another spectacular week at home. Jake is finally done with school. This past weekend Jake's aunt, Sister Perpetua was home, so the Stang extended family got together at the farm, it was great to see Sr. P again! Also, ANDRAY WALKED FROM THE TV TO THE COUCH DOWNSTAIRS FOR THE FIRST TIME!...Jake even caught it on film, so watch out everyone, Andray truly is on the "move." He continues to be a great big brother to Roslyn and she is just a doll. We are in heaven being home with the kids. Take care everyone. I'm posting a lot of photos because I'm starting to run out of time to update the blog, so it might be a while before the next update!

Love, the Stang's

Andray loves to stand by the tub now while I fill it with water for him. Hard to believe he's starting to walk (finally as some would say.). Jake and I couldn't resist taking this photo. It will definitely "re-appear" for his high school graduation, ha!

Roslyn's first time meeting Sister Perpetua...it was so great to see her again!
Gpa and Gma Stang with their 12 great grandchildren. A few got cut off in the photo (sorry Ella, Elliot and Bluma)...looks like we need a panoramic lense!
Gpa Andy was happy to hold Andray, the next to pass on the Stang name.
Andray always stands up by me when I'm feeding Roslyn to kiss or touch her head, it's pretty cute.
Roslyn loves her new green star blanket, thanks Heather and Adam!
It's the softest blanket ever!
This is the smurf sleeper that I wore in 1981...crazy stuff.
Roslyn is doing great in her crib. Thanks Godmom Rhonda for the letters of her name for the wall in her room, we love the pink color!

Today Andray, Roslyn and I went to the playground by the church. Andray and I had fun going down the slide and swinging on the swings. Dray's favorite part of the trip was throwing rocks up onto the slide and then pushing them back onto the ground.

Pretty in Pink and Purple...

Just a perspective of how small Roslyn really is...or just how big Jake's feet are and his head, ha!

Last week my great friends Jolene and Jody came to visit us. It was an amazing day to have them at our place with Ros and I...made me realize how much I miss my friends! Thanks for coming to visit Neen and Jody...just missed having Jen with.

Great Gram Lingl bought this BEAUTIFUL frilly dress for Roslyn. She wore it to church on Sunday, along with the pink little sweater that I wore as a baby. It's so fun to dress up little girls!

Andray is doing so great entertaining himself while I feed Roslyn. He continues to love books and reads about 100 every day, we swear.


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