Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Daddy Daycare Comes to an End...

Hello everyone - hope all is well. Daddy Daycare officially ended yesterday as Jake returned to school for workshops this week. Andray was a champ back at daycare for the first time since May...so that was reassuring for Jake and I. I'm not going to lie, it was still difficult to drop him off, but somewhat easier than the first time dropping him off in May. Needless to say, I didn't cry the entire way to work yesterday like I did in May! Jake and Andray had a wonderful summer together at home. Take care everyone...love you all,

Jake, Celest and Andray Paul

Dad and Andray just before dropping him off at daycare...Andray was so funny that morning, he kept looking at Jake like, "Why are you getting ready too?"

Andray wondering why all three of us were leaving so early in the morning together...he did great at daycare though!

Although it's so difficult to drop them off at daycare, we know he enjoys the "socialization" part of it!

Andray loves his jammies and his prayer bunny from his cousin Isa and Auntie Megan and Uncle Aaron!

Our Little Man in his Sunday Best! He looks so old in his star shoes and colared shirt!

Gotta love chomping on cold washclothes when your gums hurt!

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