Thursday, January 31, 2008

Check Out My New Photo Shoot!

Hello everyone,

Last Friday, Jan. 25, my mom and dad took me to the clinic to have another ultrasound done. My mommy's doctor thinks I'm measuring too small for as far along as I am (34 weeks!). But the results came back that I'm in the normal range, just a little small for my age. (which my mom is pretty pumped about! hehehe). Anyway, after the radiologist looked at my results, she and my doctor think my mom needs to come in twice a week now for the next four weeks and do non-stress tests on me to make sure I'm growing up-to-par. I know I'm fine...but your prayers are always needed. My mom and dad are just hoping that I'll be here for March Madness so they can BOTH enjoy a Bud Light with me on the couch while the three of us watch DUKE win it all! Ha!

Enjoy the photos, still can't wait to meet you all in March!

Love, "BS" (Baby Stang)

Hello all! I'm getting bigger from my last ultrasound photos...getting a big tighter in mommy's tummy! But it's a heck of a lot warmer in mommy than it is for all you
Minnesotan's right now!

Duke deserves a thumbs up right now! Go #3 DUKE! Still undefeated in the ACC!

Check out the bottom of my right foot...I'm going to have feet just like my daddy!

I don't know if you can all tell, but I was scratching my smart brains in this photo. My left hand is on top of my head, try to follow the arrow! I sure am excited to meet all of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so cute little BS!!! We pray for you everyday, and cannot wait to meet you!! Isa is so excited to have a cousin to play and grow with, too.
We love you!
Megan, Aaron and Isa