Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Belated 5th Birthday Isa Lu!

Happy Belated 5th Birthday to our beautiful niece Isabel Lucia! Can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you this weekend sweetie!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Excited for Thanksgiving Weekend!

The Holiday Season has begun! We were lucky enough to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Stang family 2 weeks ago already. Jake and I have so much to be thankful for!

Apparently Roz was done taking photos at this point, ha :)

Jacob and his beautiful Goddaughter Ella Johanna.

Roslyn got to spend some QT with Sister Perpetua, pretty awesome!

Andray with his Great Gpa, Andy Stang...quite the name-sake! Our kids are so fortunate to know their great grandparents!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas Shopping Here We Come!!!!!

Looking forward to a fun weekend of Christmas shopping with Jake's mom and sisters! Talk about a long overdue girls' weekend away!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Sandy!

Happy Birthday to one of the BEST mothers and grandmothers in the world! We love you Grandma Sandy! Have a super day!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Wonderful Day...11-11-11!

Hope you all had a great 11.11.11! As most of you know, #11 was my favorite number growing up and it continues to be a favorite. Was fun celebrating the day with my kids and honoring my father on Veteran's Day! I was also able to find this old J.O. vball jersey at my mom and dad's place on Friday. Hard to believe I wore this orange and purple jersey 18 years ago when I played 12's in Marshall. Time just keeps on flying by!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day Dad!

Happy Veteran's Day tomorrow to my biggest Hero, my father! I love you Dad! Thanks for all the sacrifices you've made for our family and our country!

Can't wait to head home to Redwood Falls tonight so our kids can see their Papa Larry carry the flag in the Veteran's Day program at school tomorrow! Pretty special!

I love you thankful you made it home safely from Vietnam!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy 31st Heath!

Happy 31st Birthday to one of my very best friends on earth...Heather Joy! Love and miss you!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy 32nd Birthday Jacob!

Happy 32nd Birthday to my awesome brother Jacob! Can't wait to see you, hopefully this Friday for Veteran's Day! We love you!

Also, a very Happy 33rd Birthday to my beautiful cousin Cassie! Love you BABE!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Husky Hot Shots Was a Success!!!!

Our kids participated in the Husky Hot Shots program today and loved it! Took a while for Andray to warm up, but they had fun at the Field House!

Hard to believe I was coaching at Hot Shots already 8 years ago, time flies!

Andray sat on this basketball for most of the time :)

Future Ballers?

So pumped Andray and Roslyn's older cousins Skyler and Ella get to play bball with them! Was a fun morning!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Fall!!!!

Hope you all have a safe and fun weekend. Jake and I enrolled the kids in Husky Hot Shots for the first time. I'm excited to see the kids try to play organized bball for the first time! :)

Love photos of kids in leaves, so fun.

Truly...Best Friends for Life!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Was a Success!!

Despite the fact that Andray had an ear infection and possible strep on Halloween (and we didn't know it at the time), both our kids LOVED TRICK-OR-TREATING! Was really fun for Jake and I to walk up and down our street with the kids Monday night!

Roz loved her Bat Girl cape!

Trick or Treat!