Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy 4th to Everyone!

Hello everyone - wow, what a week it was last week. We were quite busy, Jake had a two-day bachelor party for JD (can't wait for that wedding in July), I got to go home to Redwood/Morgan for Jolene's bachelorette party and shower, and Andray got to spend some time with his Godfather Jacob on Saturday night while I was out on the town. They definitely bonded, as Andray had a blowout just before bedtime and Uncle Jacob cleaned him all up! Gotta love it! On the way back from Redwood Andray and I got to stop at my Grandma's place on the farm and Andray loved it...he was talking and smiling the entire time with Gram. So precious. Andray continues to sleep through the night and is a great baby. He's sitting up now if we prop a pillow behind him, he smiles a ton, and we're teaching him to start rolling over. And today we head to the clinic for his 4 month check up! Unreal! We're excited to see how much he weighs though...he's a good eater needless to say.

Have a great week everyone and a safe and happy 4th of July! Enjoy the photos, we had some fun with Andray this week.

Love, Jake, Celest and Andray Paul

This is the best photo ever! Talk about a great photo for a brochure at Duke! I already sent it to the sports information director at Duke. Hopefully they can use it for some big promotion when Duke plays UNC! Hilarious...gotta love it!

This is Andray's favorite book, and he used to be the same size as the, has he grown.

Andray is starting to help me turn the pages now in his Duke book...and I swear he can pick out the Blue Devil on every page.....

Andray, the future Husky! One of Jake's and my best friend from college, Jess Abrahams, came to stay with us on Thursday night and we just had to get a photo of Andray with her in their SCSU apparel! We miss Jess very much and were so glad she could stay with us for a while! She brought the coolest toy for Andray too...THANK YOU!

Andray smiling with his Great Gram...brings tears to my eyes.

Gram's yard out at the farm is BEAUTIFUL. For those of you that have never been out there, you're missing out. Gram continues to amaze me every year. For being 80 years old, her yard is immaculate, and that's even an understatement. I wish I could spend a lot more time out there, but I take advantage of the times I get. She is such a special person...and again, we miss Grandpa every day.

Andray was introduced to cards and cribbage this weekend in Redwood and he loved looking at the cards! Guess we found Andray's new pasttime!

Papa Larry had fun teaching Andray the "tricks of the trade" in cribbage...

This is a photo of Jolene with her mom's mom and her two sisters. I love generational photos, and even though Jolene's mom is no longer with us on earth, I know she was there at the shower on Saturday looking down on her three beautiful daughters. What a precious photo.

Here is a photo of some of the bridesmaids and usherettes for Jolene's upcoming wedding. We all had a blast a the bachelorette too later that night (no photos will be posted of that though, ha!)

On Monday night Andray and I went to Jake's softball game in Cold Spring. He was all dressed up in his Twins apparel and did great at the game...what a trooper.

Those blue eyes....

Andray is doing much better with tummy time and is getting so strong!

Have a great 4th everyone, and if Andray hasn't told you lately, he thinks his "Dad Rocks!"

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