Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Growing Like a Weed.....

Hello everyone - hope you all had a fun and safe 4th of July. Again, it's been quite an amazing week. Heather and Adam were home the past two weeks to see family and for her brother's wedding. Congrats to Stef and Dane! It was so awesome to see Adam and Heather again, and they even let Jake and Andray and I tag along to their parent's cabin off of Silver Creek exit for the 4th. Andray had his first pantoon ride and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think Adam's mom enjoyed it more as she got to hold Andray the entire time. Jake and I also got to see his family a lot this past weekend, and on Monday Andray and I traveled to Paynesville to visit my great aunt Mary Ann, and my mom and Gram showed up too. So needless to say Andray had quite a great day on Monday with us four women! Latest news, Andray had his four-month check up and he's 50% in height, weight and head circumfrence. He now weighs over 14 pounds and is 24 inches long. Hard to believe how fast they grow. And although the shots were painful at the time, Andray did pretty good once Jake picked up up off the table to cuddle with him. Love you all and hope you have a great week...enjoy each day, summer is just flying by!

Love the Stang's

Heather and Adam gave this shirt to Andray before he was born. They are big Georgia football fans now!

Andray with his girlfriend Heather...they both had Georgia shirts on!

Adam and Andray...gotta love it.

Heather and Adam gave Andray this little outfit when he was born. There are little planes on the belt and the fitting since Adam is a pilot! Andray looked pretty awesome in this outfit! Thanks Adam and Heather!

Adam's dad Chris was so pumped to hold Andray. They even had matching hats!

It was sooooooooooooo good to see Heather again...we had a blast at the cabin on the 4th.

Andray saying his good-byes to Heather before we had to leave on the sad!

Andray loves playing with this Teddy Bear that my Gram gave me for Christmas. If you don't remember, it's the bear that has the clothes that my Grandpa used to wear to my basketball games. Very special...

Andray loves to wrestle with the Teddy Bear too!

My mom, Gram, Andray and great-aunt Mary Ann on Monday...Andray had a very nice day with such special ladies.

Andray's great-aunt Mary Ann gave him this guardian angel...very special.

Little Man was a champ today at the doctor's office. Jake picked him up right after his shots to settle him down and seconds later he was just cuddling with Jake. Andray even posed for his big boy photo of his shots before we got him dressed and took him out for lunch. He slept through the lunch, but Jake and I sure enjoyed our salads at Perkins!

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