Welcome to the World Peyton Marianne Willemssen!!!! My best friend from home, Ann and her husband Chad, gave birth to their third baby last Wednesday, and it was a girl! They now have Andrew (4 - our handsome Godson), Zach (22 months) and lil' Peyton. Roslyn and I got to visit on Memorial Day...she's so perfect! An instant love. So happy that Ann got her little girl!

Hard to believe Roslyn was this little just two years ago...love newborns!

Our girls...so grateful that Ann and I will get to share "daughter stories!"

Rozzie loves to give Kisses Good-bye...not sure Peyton was digging it ;)
A VERY HAPPY BELATED MEMORIAL DAY to all of our loved ones who have gone to heaven. A special thank you to all those who have served or are currently serving our country and keeping our homeland safe!
Also, a BIG HAPPY 57TH B-DAY TO JAKE'S DAD, PAPA STEVE! Was fun celebrating at the farm last night!