Andray thoroughly enjoyed his Thomas the Train 3rd Birthday. Wish we all would've been feeling better to truly celebrate, but we'll just have to continue to celebrate Andray's b-day the rest of March! ;)

What a BIG BOY! Andray's pumped to be 3!

Andray was so excited to see Gma and Papa Stang on Sunday...they spoiled him way too much and we're so grateful! This morning before daycare Andray told me, "Mommy, I love my new toy sooooooooooooooooooooo much!" Too cute.

Was great to have Sarah and Eric and the girls over for supper too. They spoiled him with new clothes, I'm so pumped!

Even Roz had to get in a photo. She's still home with me today from daycare. Just not back to 100% yet. Can you tell that she's been sick for almost a week?

Andray's Thomas the Train Cake was Awesome!

He just had to "snitch" at the frosting.

Andray loved the Thomas Train on his cake....

Then he opened his gift from Roslyn and loved his remote control Thomas the Train even better!

Depsite having a very sick household from Wednesday to Monday, Andray still was a happy boy and enjoyed turning 3! Hard to believe our baby boy is three!