One of my mom's best friends made this beautiful little winter coat, hat and gloves for Roslyn. It's a little big right now, but we are so excited about it!
The same friend of my mom's made Andray a coat, hat and gloves when he was born and he wore it every week to church last winter. It still fits him, so we're pumped about that!
Andray was so good sitting next to Roz for the photo shoot. Jake and I truly are lucky to have two healthy kids...awesome feeling.
The other night Jake was studying up on his World Geography and Roz didn't want to miss out on the action...so Jake read her a chapter for her bedtime story, ha!
Just another great day at the Stang household. We love our kids!
I caught great footage of Andray "shooting hoops" last week, however I can't figure out how to turn the window of the footage so its up right. Either way, you'll have to watch it sideways, but it's so funny how Andray leans back when he shoots and then sees a book and totally forgets all about basketball. The attention span of 18 month old kids is hillarious!
Jake truly has a "soft spot" for Roz in his life...he's already letting her play with his controller. She loves pressing the buttons. We've also been working on her sitting up on her own, and she did a pretty good job just with the boppie pillow behind her! Crazy how fast they grow up.
A precious photo of Grandpa and Gram's hands, shortly before he passed away in October of 2005.
A photo of Grandpa and Grandma's farm yard the morning Gpa earned his wings and flew to heaven. He truly is our angel from above!