The Stang's...

Andray's 1st birthday party was a success! We had a ton of fun, and truly missed certain family members that couldn't be there, but we were so thankful for everyone that could make it. Andray destroyed his cake that Gramma Frank made, it was quite commical. His girl cousins had a blast helping him open gifts, and Uncle Jake gave Andray an Old McDonald CD that all the kids loved dancing too. Even Andray danced in his sitting position, waving his hands around and turning in circles on his butt. Overall, it was a great party, just can't believe our baby is a year old already. Have a great week everyone, enjoy the photos.
Love, the Stang's

Gramma Carol made Andray's cake (which we are so thankful for!). He even had his own personal cake which he loved and ended up throwing the plate on the floor when he was all done. The bigger cake was pretty special. It had a photo of Andray on it holding his special Great Gpa Shorty bear. Brought tears to my eyes last night knowing that Andray will never meet Grandpa Shorty. There's not a single day that goes by that I don't think about my Grandpa, I miss him so much!
Our family after Andray enjoyed his cake.
Andray loves his girl cousins, just wish Isa could've been there too to celebrate!
Andray loves his Godparents too. Poor Sarah....right after this photo Andray put his nice frosting-filled right hand on her face and in her hair! She was a good sport about it!
Andray loves his Aunties too...just wish Megan could've been there, we missed you Sissa!
Jake and I, with the help of others, made a brunch for everyone before opening gifts and having cake. Of course we had to use "Andre" champaign to make "mufasas" (as I call them) for all the adults. It was some good OJ if you know what I mean.

Ella and Mya were such good helpers when Andray was opening gifts. Thanks girls!
Skyler (5), Andray and Ella (4).

Andray with Great Gram Lingl...

Andray with his "Rausch" Grandma's...Great Gma Rausch and Gma Stang. Thanks for the gifts!

Andray was a big help the day before blowing up the balloons.
Needless to say, we had enough balloons to decorate the house with. Andray loves hitting them up in the air!
"Auntie Heather" made this beautiful blanket for Andray for his birthday. She sent it last week. Andray loves to play "peek-a-boo" with it. It's very special and I'm very thankful for it Heath. It will definitely be a "wall-hanger." We wish you and Adam could've been there at the party!
Andray sporting his new and "authentic" Kevin Garnett jersey after playing "peek-a-boo" with his new blanket from Heather and Adam.