Little Man did so good at his first haircut last night. We went to visit Nia in Watkins (if you don't get your hair cut there, you should, she's awesome!). Dray's Godmother was so nice to make it too, and she held Andray while I took photos. He never cried, but moved his head and hands around a lot. Nia did a great job with him, I think at one time he had two combs and a hair clip in his hands to keep him busy! Needless to say, I can't believe how old he looks now. My baby boy is growing up, and it's sad. Have a great week everyone...enjoy the before and after photos!
Love, the Stang's....

Before bed last night...Nia even used an electric razor on his neck. What a big boy!

Gotta love all the hair, I had so much fun putting it in a pony last week! ha! Jake wasn't too thrilled about the pony tail...I promised him it was a "one-time" thing.
Yesterday before we left to get his hair cut....he definitely needed one!
Can't believe how long his hair was...no wonder people at the clinic always call him a girl....good stuff!
Nia put Andray's hair in a pony and cut that so I could keep it for his scrapbook (which I promised myself I would have complete by his 1st b-day...guess I need to do some major scrapbooking!)....He was a good sport and I'm so thankful Sarah could be there to help and witness his haircut! Thanks so much Sarah!
Andray checking out Nia's comb and sissors before she started cutting...he was very curious the entire time. I'll never forget his first haircut.